Submission from Deb Danford 05/11/24: In response to a letter sent to South Bend Tribune by Bonita Tomlinson on behalf of her sister, Councilwoman Sheila Dowlut-Niezgodski, titled "Political foes dredged up painful history,” she speaks about "dredging up a painful past situation in Sheila's marriage to David."
Ok, I think It’s time some truths were shared! So, let’s talk about Sheila, her past and the pain SHE INFLICTED on so many others because of her extramarital affair with David Niezgodski.
Both married at the time, she and David met at a local bar where Sheila worked as a bartender. David was married to MY SISTER then, and they had two very young children, ages 3 and 5. The affair was unexpected and devastating for her and our entire family! However, her strong sense of self-worth and self-respect motivated her to file for divorce! If going through a divorce while raising two young children wasn’t difficult enough, she was also forced to deal with Sheila’s vicious, disrespectful behavior, often times spewed right in front of her young children! Truly inconceivable! However, despite Sheila and David's reprehensible, selfish behavior, I am proud to say my sister, niece, and nephew continue to persevere like champions and have remained each other's rock.
“Sheila’s strength and compassion”? What a joke! Where was her “compassion, support and respect for women and families” then when she made the conscious decision to have an extra-marital affair, disrespect a mother in front of her own children and destroy two families?
It is truly mind-blowing that Sheila or David should make any statements about supporting women and respecting family values given their pasts. It’s all political, self-promoted nonsense!
"Dredging up a painful past in Sheila's marriage to David", I’d say Karma finally paid a long-overdue visit! The views and opinions expressed in submissions, opinions, and letters are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Redress South Bend. Redress South Bend does not endorse or oppose any views presented in any submission.