Below you will find the email and attachments I sent to Sandra Kennedy on Monday February 19th, 2024 at 3:08PM to which I have not received a response.

Dear Sandra,
Enclosed please find the pertinent documents addressing the issues raised in your email dated November 17th. I am formally requesting the removal of all imposed restrictions. Moreover, as detailed herein, there have been numerous inaccurate portrayals and unfounded claims regarding my character. In light of these, a formal apology from the City would be instrumental in rectifying the injustices detailed within. I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Logan Foster
Word Document Attached To the esteemed members of the South Bend Department of Law, this is in response to the correspondence dated November 16th, 2023, from Sandra Kennedy, Corporation Counsel. My intention is to initially address the points raised in your original missive, before proceeding to the matters brought forth in subsequent communications during my pursuit of greater clarity and comprehensive understanding of the initial letter.
In contradiction to your statement, “Please be advised that you do not have a right to private meetings with government officials”, I would like to draw your attention to exhibits one, two, and three. A sign prominently displayed in Mayor Mueller's office reads: “Need to speak to the mayor? Scan Here.” This clearly indicates an invitation to the public for scheduling private meetings with the Mayor. Furthermore, the online scheduling tool stipulates a response time of 7-10 business days post submission for scheduling such a meeting. As a member of the public, I utilized this service, expecting reciprocity in the form of a scheduled meeting. Contrary to the stated time frame, I have yet to receive any communication, let alone a scheduled meeting, even after the stipulated 7-10 business days. I personally know members of the public who have filled out the same form, the same qr code, and have received scheduling invitations in as soon as 24 hours. As per the intricacies of this matter, it appears there might be some misinterpretations or miscommunications. It is crucial to clarify that my stance is firmly rooted in factual evidence. Therefore, any assertions to the contrary, lacking substantive proof or legal grounding, are regarded as unfounded. In Paragraph two, you stated “I understand that you spoke with Mayor Mueller at his most recent "Meet the Mayor" event on September 7, 2023 at La Casa de Amistad.” Upon interacting with Mayor Mueller during the 'Mayor's night out' event held on September 7th, 2023, I had the opportunity to present him with a set of questions (which are attached herein as exhibit 4). Mayor Mueller, at the time, was unable to provide immediate responses to these inquiries. Subsequently, [exhibit 4, “Question 6.)”] I proposed a further meeting with him to delve into these questions at length, to which he consented. Mayor Mueller then enquired if his staffer was in possession of my email address, affirming that she would arrange the said meeting that very night. However, such a meeting was never scheduled. Mayor Mueller never at any time communicated to me that he changed his mind or stance on his willingness to schedule a meeting with me.